We welcome you to witness the cutting edge of #innovation. Have a first row seat to see what is yet to come. We have hand picked 27 Startups that represent the #futuretrends.
Thursday, August 5th, 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM PT
Surgical Automations
You're Not Crazy - If You Feel Your Workplace Is Toxic and Out To Get You.
This presentation will validate clinicians, especially those who hold intersectional and unique identities, experience harassment, discrimination, and retaliation in the U.S. workplace. The frequency of the abuse of power leveraged against talented high achieving clinicians is presently unknown because reporting abuse is fraught with reliving the primary trauma and is compounded by the harms incurred from institutional retaliation for reporting, often leading to job and/or career loss.
AnesthesiaGo: Smarter Daily Scheduling
Traditionally, anesthesiologists are assigned to cases the night before surgery by a senior anesthesiologist who is given a list of cases and a pencil/pen. This process usually takes about an hor and is often riddled with inefficiencies, double-bookings or undesired pairings. AnesthesiaGo was designed to disrupt the current process of making assignments. This software utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) to automate this process and lessen the time it takes to produce a functional schedule.
Origin Healthcare: Hospital care. Redesigned for home.
No one likes to go to the hospital. Origin Healthcare brings the hospital to you. Our expert medical team helps patients avoid the isolation, complications, and high costs of a traditional hospitalization. We are providing care to patients who struggle accessing care and we decrease the financial burden on patients and the health system. We address health disparities that may be present and improve the health and lives of patients, both in the short term and longitudinally.
Vivodoc is a Unique healthcare technology platform where we strive to bring in price transparency and ease of scheduling appointments for patients. We equip our providers and patients with tools created using AI & ML to discover the right type of care at right time and drive the optimal outcomes for their medical conditions by managing complete patient journey along with providing Physicians all in one Platform to run successful medical practice.
A novel Job Readiness Learning Experience to Meet Today's Healthcare Needs
Talent entering healthcare today has the medical education required - not job readiness. Schools aren't teaching this critical knowledge and new graduates don't know what or who to ask. In this pilot study, we follow six licensed nurses on their coaching journey, imparting their experience in the development of a unique learning curriculum designed for new graduates and delivered via a proprietary platform. Additionally, data will be shared on the challenges facing healthcare workers today.
Centralizing Rx Care with Remote Monitoring
Alertive makes real-time remote monitoring software to reduce treatment inertia and increase adherence. In this talk we'll show how we drive better outcomes by connecting patients and providers.
Otomagnetics- Non invasive drug delivery
Otomagnetics is a biotechnology company developing a non-invasive platform technology to deliver drugs & other therapeutic payloads to the inner and middle ear compartments, eye and skin. Current standards of care are invasive, nor reach several disease targets. Otomagnetics platform technology magnetically transports therapy to disease targets. The product consists of a magnetic device that creates magnetic injection forces on biocompatible nanoparticles thereby delivery drugs to target.
Putting a Dent in Diabetes
The worldwide burden of diabetes is approaching half a billion people, making it the single greatest threat to humanity in this era. The root cause of metabolic disease in the majority of people can be attributed to our diet. We now have the tools to give people personalized, real-time insights into how different foods and lifestyle factors are interacting with their metabolism using continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) analytics.
Friday, August 6th, 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM PT
Transforming remote Telecollaboration at bedside
OpticSurg’s mixed reality tools enable live telehealth consults between healthcare workers and providers (i.e. Hospital, ICU, ER, Office, Urgent Care). Current telehealth platforms are not optimized for frontline providers. Our platform enables frontline healthcare professionals and providers to deliver real-time clinical decisions and collaboration with experts on demand, maximizing efficiency and multiplying resources.
Transparency In Healthcare Is Here
mySvasth is a SaaS based marketplace aggregator platform for elective surgeries where two concepts and capabilities (Aggregator like Trivago & Request For Quote like Upwork freelance) are merged into one platform to create a shopping & comparison experience for elective surgeries for patients across (B2C) and for (B2B) employers a cost containment solution which is an alternative to health/dental/vision insurance, through collective bargaining.
Innovation in maternal - Infant health
BabyLiveAdvice (BLA) is a social enterprise with a mission to close the care gaps in maternal-Infant care and reduce morbidity & mortality. Partnering with providers, hospitals and Insurers BLA provides exceptional care anywhere to birthing people, babies and parents from preconception- to early childhood. Using telehealth and Telemonitoring, BabyLiveAdvice expert nursing and NP staff can keep an eye on mothers and their babies thus reducing risk, cost, physicians fatigue while improving outcom.
Ken Gordon, Co-founder & CEO, VALR VALR: non-invasive blood lactate monitoring for consumers
Consumer spend upwards of $10B per year on wearables for helping them train smarter, but nothing today delivers the critical need: accurately determining training zones! Life is unfair, the best training zones are barely perceptible experientially, and the worst ones are incredibly satisfying psychologically. VALR is deploying innovations in non-invasive blood lactate sensing into an integrated training suite, to help consumers actually get the benefit from their hard work, and love doing it.
How You Can Shape the Next Generation
Many medical students, when asked, stated that they would like to participate in medical education. However, only around 20% of the physician population is in academic medicine. The reasons are many but the solution is here. Now, any licensed physician can utilize our crowdsourced marketplace to easily post their site, earn CME, and generate revenue while contributing to the next generation of medical learners.
Food Allergy Toothpaste Mediated Oral Mucosal Immunotherapy - Landscape and Potential.
Oral mucosal immunotherapy (OMIT) for food allergies is Intrommune’s novel drug delivery platform. It is based on delivering therapeutic agents by embedding them in a fully functional toothpaste. Thus, allergic patients can conveniently administer their daily treatment at the same time they brush their teeth. OMIT is based on the principle of allergy immunotherapy or “desensitization,” a technique that allergists have used to treat the underlying cause of respiratory allergies for over 100 years. Allergy sufferers are exposed to tiny, carefully controlled amounts of the substance they are allergic to, like peanut or shellfish proteins. Over time, their immune system learns that the substance is safe and allergic reactions become milder. Intrommune’s OMIT platform is intended to reduce the burden and anxiety experienced by food-allergic individuals and their families. OMIT leverages the unique ability of the lining of the mouth to retrain the immune system (sometimes referred to as “desensitization”) and thus reduce allergic reactions to foods like peanuts over time. Daily use of OMIT toothpaste gradually increases the threshold of allergen that would normally trigger food allergy symptoms – to the point where an allergic person is protected against accidental ingestion of these foods. Research suggests that long-term, daily maintenance therapy is necessary to achieve and maintain this protection. Intrommune’s great-tasting, cavity-fighting OMIT toothpaste makes that easy to do.
Scaling behavioral healthcare with remote patient monitoring devices
Lief Therapeutics shares a novel wearable medical device that tracks and improves a key biomarker of mental health. In a world where providing behavioral healthcare at scale is often challenging due to provider shortages, lack of adequate reimbursement and no quantitative biomarkers to assess disease progression, Lief has innovated a new class of mental health-focused remote patient monitoring device to market.
Effecting Communication, Reducing Sedation and Delirium for Intubated Patients with VidaTalk.
Critically ill, mechanically ventilated (MV) patients, when not provided an effective means to communicate, suffer from anxiety, unrecognized and untreated pain and other symptoms, being unaware of what is happening as well as having a lack of knowledge of their own progress. Providers who substitute communication for sedation propagate a healthcare crisis with skyrocketing delirium rates which weigh more heavily on the most vulnerable patient populations (e.g., older adults, critically ill.
Managing #CME in Two Steps
Mocingbird offers a cloud-based solution that manages all of your licenses, certifications, and CME in one place. Mocingbird is founded by two physicians who needed to regain control of managing CME and create a clinician-friendly solution.
When you upload your completed CME certifications, Mocingbird will automatically categorize, calculate and apply the credits to where it’s due. Mocingbird also provides CME recommendations on their Learning Center, so instead of trying to “figure out” which CME can be used to fulfill which requirements, Mocingbird does it all for you.
Saturday, August 7th, 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM PT
Hypercare: The Unified Solution to Enable Collaborative Healthcare
Pagers and fax machines are prevalent in healthcare and used as default communication methods between healthcare providers of all settings. This often provides difficult challenges with providers as existing tools struggle to adapt to modern medicine where it is delivered by multidisciplinary healthcare workers. We will walk through what clinical communication and coordination aims to accomplish and present Hypercare, built for the modern workflow for medicine.
Restoring privacy & trust to the practice of medicine
KardioGenics: Leading The Transition From Episodic Care to Continuous Care
Need of time is to bring societal transformation of healthcare, from episodic care to continuous care, all based on signals, data, and AI, while protecting privacy and ethics. For long our approach have been reactive in nature especially in cardiovascular medicine, as first event could be a stroke, a myocardial infarction, or an out of hospital cardiac arrest. It's time to correct the basic fundamental approach through effective implementation of continuous care.
Why is the opioid crisis going on 22 years
The opioid crisis is a symptom of the mental health crisis that we have not addressed well. Have you locked up your opioids today. 1 of 4 opioid overdose involves children & teens. The problem today is uncontrolled access to controlled substances. In hospitals and pharmacies, opioids are locked in a secure location. Patients take these same opioids home and store them in an unsecured medicine cabinet where anyone can have access to them. 73% of teens get started on opioids by raiding the med.
Innovating the Prescription Experience
Prescription fulfillment services to meet the patient needs of convenience and cost when and where they want it, using software with automation where needed.
The Bio-Tech Breastfeeding Experience for Effortless Health and Bonding
The Natural Nipple was designed for seamless and stress-free breast and bottle feeding, with the only nipple that is researched and designed to mimic a mother’s shape, feel, and flow. By providing bottle to breast continuity, reducing latching problems, and promoting breastfeeding- we solve the pain points both families and hospital supply are challenged with, so both caregivers can introduce a bottle without consequential latching problems or fatal complications from un-natural flow.
The Torque3 platform is a robotic assisted simulator where the patient works their entire body, all of their senses and cognitive abilities during treatment. This experience-dependent multimodal integration engages distributed functional brain regions including the sensory, association and motor cortexes. The use of intense, deep immersion creates importance and urgency to task-oriented therapy. Combined with multimodal engagement the goal is to significantly improve patient neuroplasticity.
Harneet Bath, VEP Healthcare
Virtual reality and AR in teaching and surgeries
VEP Healthcare is a medical staffing and management group, 100% owned by its providers and staff and is among the 10 largest emergency medicine groups in the nation. Providing ED, hospitalist, intensive care, laborist, telehealth, and surgicalist services
A non opioid drug discovery for neuropathic pain
Akelos Inc. is a biopharmaceutical clinical company focused on the translation of innovative science into treatment. The company currently is developing novel non-narcotic drugs for the treatment of neuropathic pain. The goal of Akelos is to address some of today’s most pressing areas of unmet needs.