From #ideation to implementation, the #changemakers in this compilation have memorable words for us all. In addition to #inspiration and #motivation, they provide hard-earned lessons about spotting problems, designing viable solutions, and achieving scaled impact.
Come, be a part of it!
Thursday, August 5, 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM PT
Benjamin Schwartz, MD, FAAOS, Chief Innovation Officer, Healent
Fixing Healthcare: Beyond the Buzz
Healthcare disruption is a hot topic. It seems as though everyone has a fix and record breaking funding continues to flow into healthcare technology and innovation. From startups to some of the largest retailers and tech companies, everyone wants a piece of the action. But will these approaches and would be disruptions actually bring about meaningful, lasting change? Is healthcare as we know it too big to fail?
Navin Goyal, MD, CEO, LOUD Capital
Utilizing your medical degree through entrepreneurship to impact people's lives.
Background story of my journey, learnings of how physicians can help entrepreneurs and investors, and helping people beyond the clinical jobs that many of us do.
Pennie Sempell, CEO, StressPal, Inc.
Harnessing Resilience and Flexibility for Individual, Team and Organizational Well-Being
Symptoms of distress, burnout, adverse events and attrition were rising at unacceptable rates even before this pandemic in the pressured environment of healthcare delivery. A complex web of system-wide issues drive burnout in the healthcare workplace, but this session will focus on a synthesis of leading evidence-based intervention strategies to allow health workers and teams to retrain the brain to protect and strengthen psychological flexibility and resilience, and why it matters.
Shagun Bindlish, MD,One Medical
Combining therapy with technology: Powerful tool that can hit two birds with one stone.
Diabetes and obesity are pandemics that are escalating at a rapid stride. Weight gain is a significant risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Over 1/3 of U.S. adults have obesity (defined as BMI >30 kg/m2). Additionally, over 11% of people aged ≥20 years have diabetes. The prevalence may increase to up to 21% by 2050. Our understanding of precise mechanisms linking.
Calvin Wu, MD, Virtual Diabetes Program Director at Carbon Health
Leveraging Technology to Deliver a More Connected & Personalized Diabetes Care Experience
Despite remarkable advances in technology and drug therapy, outcomes of diabetes care remain suboptimal and may be getting worse. Conventional diabetes care currently consists of 1-4 doctor visits with lab testing per year, leaving most patients poorly equipped to manage their complex and unrelenting disease. There is a opportunity to leverage continuous glucose monitoring, software, and telemedicine to provide care that is more data-driven, person-centric, and continuous.
Jose Bolanos, MD, CEO, Nimbus-T Global in
Secure Identity and Authentication: The Future
Over 6.5 Billion passwords are compromised and our computer accesses should be changed. Our Nimbus-Key ID system gives users a new global ID. It is a dynamically encrypted MFA with verification from a KYC registration. You may now login to computer systems with a dynamically encrypted QRcode and PIN every time you login to your phone app. No passwords and there is no way that a fraudster may reuse your login credentials.
Annu Navani, MD, CEO and Founder, Comprehensive spine and sports center
Spine and Orthopedics 2025: Innovations and Solutions.
Interventional and Surgical Spine and Orthopedics are evolving at an accelerated pace to offer the most efficient, minimally invasive solutions that help repair the injury and restore the function like never seen before. This topic will discuss the latest technologies including stem cell therapy, minimally invasive surgeries, precision medicine, AI the point of care.
Friday, August 6th, 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM PT
Emmanuel Fombu, MD, MBA, Founder, Marc Health Objectively Identifying Digital Health Solutions that Deliver Value. Two factors are impacting future care -- health organizations being expected to do more with less and patients receiving a taste of digitally enabled care. Having the right tools in place can assist care teams and raise patient retention.
With information spread across sources, staying ahead of the latest digital health innovations can be challenging. How can medical teams discover which digital health tools work best, review products and connect with the right people to quickly adopt them? David Weill, MD, Principal, Weill Consulting Group The Curriculum: The Education of a Transplant Physician In the early phase of my career, I got my education from conventional sources: my parents, teachers, coaches, and mentors. But my real education came later – during my 3 decades as a transplant doctor. I learned about societal problems and human behavior. All this from what some might look at as an operation—bad organs come out, good ones go in. But it was much more than that: it was a curriculum, about losing one's way and how to discover a new way through reinvention. Ahmed Otokiti, MD, MBA, Chief Innovations Officer, Luminate Informatics, LLC Sinister Realities of the Pandemic’s Telehealth Astronomical rise: Concrete Solutions for Innovators on how to Overcome the Digital Divide Telehealth can improve access to healthcare access, but it never gained traction primarily because of a lack of reimbursement before the pandemic. During the pandemic, telehealth services soared due to reimbursement while also worsening health disparity at the same time. In this presentation, I will be going through the pattern of telehealth adoption during the pandemic, showing the digital divide impact, sharing insights with innovators on ways to reduce the digital divide. Ravi Kamepalli MD, FIDSA, Regional infectious disease and infusion ctr. M3 medicine to N=1 medicine a doctor's journey to build his dream project ! Healthcare is very fragmented and Guidelines have become gospel. we have work on real-world evidence with a focus on cost apart thinking using a purpose-driven innovative approach taking all available resources for removing barriers to healing. Having a goal is great but enjoying the journey and every turn is key. As innovator MD's let's work on Moving medicine from M3 to N=1 medicine. using the whole person approach to healing is what we have to promote. Orrin Ailloni-Charas, MD, MBA, CEO, Managing Partner, GHIF How do VCs decide where to invest? Unlock the secrets of VC decision making. What matters and what doesn’t? Learn how to position your startup for fundraising success and avoid committing unforced errors Zvi Yaniv, Founder & CEO PeriphEX Gas Nanobubbles Gas nanobubbles are gas filled cavities in a liquid with a diameter of less than 100 nm. Although their existence and stability are theoretically still controversial, all experimental results are conclusive: gas nanobubbles are real! Furthermore, gas nanobubbles possess peculiar properties such as a negative surface charge at the gas/liquid interface, long time stability and persistence . Raouf Gharbo CMO, Lief Therapeutics Translational HRV biomarkers and the future of remote health coaching Since the Framingham longitudinal heart study, HRV has emerged as a sensitive biomarker of a wide range health disorders, including mood disorders. Digital Age advances made remote longitudinal healthcare possible. The HRV response to deep breathing is the standard parasympathetic test and is the basis for HRV biofeedback when used as the training wheels for meditation. Skill acquisition with remote coaching will emerge as a basic healthcare biomarker for reducing healthcare utilization.
Saturday, August 7th, 3:30 PM - 6:00 PM PT
Rajendra Singh, MD PathPresenter Corporation
Brilliant AI tool! How can I use it?
Innovative AI tools are being presented by researchers and startup companies that can help make better and faster diagnosis, predict prognosis and treatment protocols or for use in clinical trials. The dilemma for clincians is to how these AI tools can be integrated into their daily workflows without causing disruption. How will they test these models before using them? We need an ecosystem that provides data and the tools to test models and seamlessly integrate them into their daily practice.
Tim Peara President, Bridge Therapeutics
Fundraising for Medical Startups
Beyond the challenges of any new business to define a valuable product or service that addresses a critical unmet need for a large target market, medical startups operate in a highly regulated environment with unique challenges (e.g., FDA approval) and opportunities (e.g., NIH and private grants). This talk seeks to outline and critique best approaches learned from thousands of pitches to a variety of funding audiences.
Cory Calendine, MD, Bone and Joint Institute of Tennessee
Procedural Telemedicine : Revolutionize and Democratize
COVID-19 changed everything.
While the virtual world is not brand new, now is the time to leverage technology to: a) ensure optimal patient care, b) push forward innovation, and c) democratize access to all patients. Procedural telemedicine allows us to reach beyond the clinic and into the operating room.
Many stakeholders exist (surgeons, industry, etc), but it is the connection that offers the benefit. We will explore Procedural Telemedicine and discuss its role for our future together.
Quinn Wang, MD CEO, Quadrant Eye
Surgery, Startups, and Category Design
I'd like to talk about the transition from clinical practice to full-time startup mode, including skills and challenges that clinicians in particular should master. I'd also like to touch on the concept of category design when it comes to introducing new products/services that might not yet be embedded in the public mind.
Riya Pulicharam, MD CPI CMO, Harmonize Health
Bringing Evidence and Validation through Research to Innovation in Healthcare automation .
I would like to talk about the importance IRB approved research studies driven by rigor and well designed protocols to back the innovation showing the Outcomes and the cost effectiveness .
When research is not done prior to rolling things out then both the innovator and the Organization can fail and as a result a lot of time , money and effort is lost .
This should not be a show stopper but can be done where that both parties benefit . I was able to do that for many successful organizations
John Dayton, MD Fellow, Medical Design and Innovation, Stanford Dept. of Emergency Medicine
Adding Value to Innovation: A Physician's Guide to Angel Investing and Advising Startups
Goals for Course:
- Discuss Angel Investing - who can invest, pros and cons of angel investing, and pro tips
- Highlight physician opportunities with angel investing - physician angel investing groups, current offerings (AngelMD, GHIF, etc) from funds
- Discuss physician opportunities advising healthcare startups - add value, avoid burnout.
Katie Richardson, MDVP Clinical Relations, AngelMD
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Toxic Stress: Problems to be Solved by Start-ups?
Adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, are traumatic events that occur in childhood. Examples include experiencing violence and abuse and growing up in a household with substance abuse or mental health problems. Children who experience ACEs sustain prolonged activation of the stress response systems in the body and brain leading to effects on learning, behavior and health across their lifespan. During this talk I will talk more about ACEs and highlight 3 startups working to combat toxic stress.
Omar Shaker, MD, Analytics Director, California Center for Functional Medicine
The Latest Evidence-Based Methods Against Burnout
Much work has been put into the studying of burnout. As wellness officers continue to rise one question remains: Are these efforts enough to curb down burnout? The answer is hardly so. The levels of physician burnout between 2018 and 2021 continue despite the rise of Chief of Wellness Officers and more programs available. So where do we go from here? In this talk I will walk the audience through the past, present and future of burnout and how compassion is the evidence-based cure for it.