1. Why should I attend?
Do you want to get a peek into the future of healthcare? Participate in the largest network of physician innovators, thinkers and doers. Hear visionaries speak, interact with peers and get inspired to take action. Expand your mindset and explore the possibilities!
2. What is in it for me?
Are you unsatisfied or bored with your current career path? Are you scared of what the future has in store for your profession? Do you want to explore and expand into innovation and entrepreneurship? Then you should be here. Get informed, inspired and ignited!
3. What makes us different?
Healthcare has many challenges. There are many problems that frontline physicians face. And they are trying ingenious methods to solve these problems. We are physicians working to support physician innovation. We are the largest platform for physician innovation.
4. Why sponsor?
Come get connected to the network of physician experts, innovators and early adopters. When you support us, you are supporting the efforts of hundreds of smart physician innovators that have set out to change the world. This is where ideas bloom and bear fruit. Be a part of the solution!
Artificial Intelligence (CME)
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Digital Health (CME)
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Meet our Partners
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
Patient Centered Care (CME)
12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Meet our Partners
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
January 7th, 2021 Friday
Future of Medicine (CME)
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
New Models of Care (CME)
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
January 9th, 2021 Sunday
January 9th, 2021 Sunday
Workforce Innovation (CME)
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Physician Innovation (CME)
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Meet our Partners
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
Physician Advocacy (CME)
12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Meet our Partners
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
January 8th, 2021 Saturday
InnovatorMD Global Summit 2022
Keynotes, Startups, Panels & CME
Location: Online & 777 Mariners Island Blvd, San Mateo, CA
Date: JAN 7-9, 2022
The Largest Physician Innovation Event!

Arup Roy-Burman, MD
CEO & Co-Founder, Elemeno Health

Healthcare Systems Transformation & Operations Consultant, Interim & Fractional Operations Leader

Director, Women's Thrombosis and HEmostasis, University of Pennsylvania (Penn Medicine)

Online Reach

The imagined fuels reality
“Will the machines save us? Only if we help them.”
As physicians, we have a duty to serve our community members, our friends and family, and the future. But what if our community is global, our friends and family are more than just those we know personally, and our future is one in which technology enhances how we serve each other.
I believe in this vision and have begun connecting with physicians, innovators, entrepreneurs, and scientists around the globe with my podcast, “Man & Machine.”
8:00 AM PT

Crossing the AI in healthcare implementation chasm
Of the thousands of AI applications that have been announced so far, only a handful are used in routine clinical care and none are cited as standards for use in professional clinical guidelines. Does this mean AI has failed to cross the translational chasm? Not indeed, it is just the approach so far has been exploratory rather than driven by implementation science. In this presentation, I cover the reasons and solutions in my presentation.
8:15 AM PT

Former CEO, BHS Group
Driving health equity through Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - a distinct plausibility.
The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) has revolutionized medical care in many ways from operating rooms, drug discovery, specialized care pathways, and to how precision medicine is being delivered to patients. However, the question still remains to if and how this powerful platform can help address many of the prevailing health inequities and help improve access, treatment, and outcomes.
8:30 AM PT

Technology and Addressing Access and Bias in Pediatrics
Technologic innovation toward enhancing care for children currently utilizes Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) as a core component of design. This session will discuss how AI/ML uses data sets to power algorithms, and how this technology can improve access to care while addressing unconscious bias in both diagnosis and treatment. Examples of current technology powered by AI/ML as well as the advocacy with regard to overall health equity will be highlighted.
8:45 AM PT

Scale Health Steering Committee Member
Maximizing Physician Impact at the Intersection of Clinical Operations, Artificial Intelligence and Business Strategy
The need for artificial intelligence continues to grow, but in areas that oftentimes fall outside the roadmap or strategy of healthcare executives or into an area of limited experience and expertise such as artificial intelligence. Large technology vendors and early stage startups have all struggled to introduce and rapidly iterate new solutions to meet the needs of healthcare providers. This discussion will explore the key challenges facing companies trying to expand the use of A.I.
9:00 AM PT

Why Physicians Make Great Innovators
Healthcare industry is the largest industry in the US. It employs more people and consumes more GDP than any other industry. This provides a great medium for disruptive innovation. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many problems to the forefront. Physicians on the other hand spend more than a decade in education, training and specialization. They are smart, highly skilled, have grit and are not afraid of hard work - the same characteristics needed for innovators to succeed.
9:15 AM PT

Plenary Session I (CME)
Host: Uli K. Chettipally, MD, MPH
Friday, January 7th, 2022, 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM PT
Plenary Session II (CME)
Host: Uli K. Chettipally, MD, MPH
Friday, January 7th, 2022, 10:00 PM - 12:00 PM PT

Why Your Clinical Data Strategy Isn't Working (and how to fix it)
Over the past 10 years, there have been two major problems in healthcare that are sides to the same coin: Poor clinical data quality & High rates of physician burnout.
Dr. Shaker will leverage his own experience as an MD turned clinical data analyst and use real-world use cases to demonstrate how the two topics are closely linked. He'll walk us through a history of CDI, why it has caused a lot of pain for doctors and what paths exist to heal that relationship and fix both problems!
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Tackling the Full Medtech Stack as a Physician, From Medical Device to Software and Data
In 2018 I launched my second startup, Oncodisc (now Veris Health post acquisition), to develop an intelligent implantable device for oncology. Our solution quickly grew to include a software platform and data analytics, technology required to extract insights and value from our intelligent device. Through this journey, I have been immersed in healthcare software and database development, and most importantly built the professional network required to develop the full technology stack.
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Challenges of Care Integration for Independent Practices
Many scalable healthcare solutions operate in silos. How do we create health plan and provider ecosystems that improve the member/patient experience and share data thus decreasing labor and duplicated work for patients and providers?
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How you can talk about your idea, and what you can and can’t do with it to avoid potentially irreversible patentability issues.
You’ve had your stroke of genius. Your next inclination is to immediately do one of two things: 1) Yell it from the rooftops and share it with anyone who will listen or 2) keep it close to the vest, not tell anyone, and guard your idea like it’s the One Ring. Both instincts are usually wrong. At least in their absolute forms. Knowing when to share your idea and when to shush is a vital distinction on the journey to innovative success. As we’ll discuss more, sharing too much and too soon can have detrimental effects on your ability to later protect your idea. Conversely, keeping your idea a secret may also not be an option depending on your funding goals. Join us to learn how to strike the balance between these two extremes.
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Next generation precision medicine: integrating precision care with precision research
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Healthcare Innovator
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Plenary Session III (CME)
Host: Uli K. Chettipally, MD, MPH
Friday, January 7th, 2022, 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM PT

And Digital Health for All... With the help of behavioral economics
Digital health offers great opportunities for accessibility and greater patient involvement. And yet significant gaps exist between how much richer people use it and benefit from it, compared with the poor. Likewise, usage varies across ages. To better serve everyone, we need to use psychology, to understand their barriers, and behavioral economics, to motivate them. I’ll describe an intervention that got non-techy seniors hooked on an adherence to medication app. Labor intensive, but effective.
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How To Identify Health Startup Opportunities
Often, Entrepreneurs are focused on the problem-solution and product-market fit, yet they still face challenges with gaining adoption and traction. In this session, I will teach a tool that helps Entrepreneurs overcome these challenges. Specifically, this is through the Health Needs Assessment, an approach used by public health professionals.
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Being Patch Adams
There is no doubt that healthcare is one of the most complex and challenging spheres for innovation. Unfortunately, the healthcare industrial complex has made it a race towards cost savings and metrics and has lost sight of the most important relationship - that of the physician & patient. We must return to innovation that is driven by expertise and patient-centered care.
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Through the Looking Glass: the Impact of a Price Transparent Model
The emergence of direct pay models and direct to consumer healthcare have changed the way patients seek and receive medical care. A paternalistic, monolithic model is no longer viable as technologies have shifted care away from institutions alone and patients have a lot more than skin in the game. We have to rethink our dependence on an insurance risk model.
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Behavioral health is a Concern
Mental and behavioral health are growing concerns amongst the nation. Addressing these issues should be a partnership. Most individuals with these issues will rather hide them than address them. Physicians have the unique opportunity to bridge the gap that many fear to cross, speaking from the experience of a individual who had these problems, I can share how the partnership with my physician reduced the fear about receiving help, how the strategy was formed and the success of this partner ship.
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Innovating Patient-Centered Care through The Strengths-Based Model of Neurodiversity
Traditional deficit-based medical model has been the mainstay in all specialties in medicine. In this presentation, an innovative approach of using the Strengths-Based Model of Neurodiversity will be introduced. This model is person-centered and ecosystem-driven. New opportunities in applying the Strengths-Based Model to the field of psychiatry will be outlined.
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Host: Uli K. Chettipally, MD, MPH
Friday, January 7th, 2022, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM PT

What Traits Do You Need in Your Startup Team?
Personality traits that increase the likelihood of success in a startup sometimes differ from those that are useful in a larger, more established organization. This session will discuss these traits and other observations about human dynamics and culture in a startup environment.
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Engaging Physicians in Medical Device Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Physicians have several career paths to pursue given the large number of hospital systems looking to expand their clinical programs. A frequently overlooked career path involves medical device innovation. Physicians can contribute to all aspects of device entrepreneurship from the idea stage to the clinical commercialization stage. This talk examines the broad spectrum of entrepreneurial activities that physicians can get involved in with the goal of ushering in next generation technologies.
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Maintenance of Certification and Post Graduate Licensure: Reform to Address the Physician Shortage
The physician shortage in the United States continues to negatively impact care delivery. Physician board certification and licensure are structured in a way that reduce patient access to healthcare. In this lecture we will address how policy changes can improve patient access to healthcare, reduce the cost of healthcare delivery, and reduce physician burnout.
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VP/CMO, Mercy General Hospital/Dignity Health/CommonSpirit Health
The Evolving Role of the CMO
Historically, the CMO role oversaw quality, patient safety, and medical staff credentialing. As we entered the pandemic, the executive team needed immediate access to quality clinical information, something easily provided by the CMO. This turned the CMO into a strategic partner and this person will be further tapped to help develop strategies for the transition into a post-pandemic world. The pandemic also highlighted that the well-being of the medical staff falls squarely upon the CMO.
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CMO, 2daysmood
Sustainable Employability
Employers face a major challenge. Getting the right people in the right place is becoming increasingly difficult and expensive due to developments such as digitization, aging and migration. In addition, we are now experiencing a crisis that endangers the (mental) health of employees (more in the work stress data report). Sustainable employability helps to avoid these issues. So how can your employees work healthier, more enjoyable, more productive and longer?
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Innovation Fellow, Stanford Department of Emergency Medicine
Stanford Emergency Department Innovation Partnership
The Stanford Department of Emergency Medicine recently started a new Innovation Partnership pathway. We are interested in partnering with companies that can help us improve emergency care, and have an initial focus on AI applications, medical devices, and digital health. We are in the process of choosing the first partnerships and interested in partnering with companies on projects that are easy to fund, will result in research publications,
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Managing CME in Two Steps
The CME Requirements and ongoing credentialing process are inefficient and flawed. Requirements are due on an asynchronous timeline with complex regulations, which creates a heavy administrative burden on the healthcare systems, clinicians and administrators. The CME process can be streamlined and simplified into two steps. We will present a solution that can help administrators and clinicians to automate the process of managing state licenses, board certifications, to other expiring credentials
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Editor-in-Chief, TheAnswerPage.com
TheAnswerPage.com - A medical education resource
TheAnswerPage is the only education company where the Founding Editor-in-Chief and Editor-in-Chief trained and served together with distinction at Harvard Medical School and their affiliated teaching hospitals, and have both been the recipients of numerous awards including the “Medical Professional of the Year Award” presented by the Americans for Safe Access (ASA) and the “Special Award for Medical Cannabis Education” bestowed by the International Association of Cannabinoid Medicine (IACM).
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Founder, TheAnswerPage.com
TheAnswerPage.com - A medical education resource
TheAnswerPage.com provides multi-accredited CME/CE courses, Peer-reviewed courses, free-downloadable educational resources, a new animated Cannimation™/Cannamation™ series, a blog featuring world respected leaders, such as Professor Raphael Mechoulam, and the free “Answer of the Day” that presents peer-reviewed original content 7 days per week!
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Hospitalist Department Chair, John Muir Hospital, Concord, CA
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Plenary Session IV (CME)
Host: Uli K. Chettipally, MD, MPH
Saturday, January 8th, 2022, 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM PT
Plenary Session V (CME)
Host: Uli K. Chettipally, MD, MPH
Saturday, January 8th, 2022, 10:00 PM - 12:00 PM PT

CEO & Founder, Raydiant Oximetry, Inc.
Lessons learned from a physician turned medical device CEO
Discuss the skill set required to be a successful CEO of a start-up company and how to leverage experiences in clinical medicine to facilitate that transition.
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Transitions and Plans: Identifying and Executing Your Personal Strategy
Let's talk about your dreams, visions, plan, path. Where you are now, and where you want to go. How the start-up community and Venture Capitalism can be a part of your mindset, plan, intention and future either as a direct participant or an investor
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How to get venture funding
How should your startup prepare and approach venture funding? What materials should you have? What is a lead investor? What information should be available?
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Best Selling Author and Physician Mentor Discusses How To Combat Physician Burnout
The pressure on care teams continues to rise, with ever changing technology, reimbursements, health records, and government and patient requirements. Moderate to high levels of physician stress threatens their ability to achieve better patient outcomes. There are common-sense and practical solutions available to address the best treatment path for medical providers. We will discuss 7 areas that are making significant headway in beating burnout.
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Daniel Kraft, MD
Founder, Digital.Health
Chair, XPRIZE Pandemic Alliance
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ED Medical Director, Sutter Health - MPMC
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Plenary Session VI (CME)
Host: Uli K. Chettipally, MD, MPH
Saturday, January 8th, 2022, 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM PT

Finding and networking with startups
The objective for physicians are
1) How to identify startups that are well funded
2) What is the stage and who are the reputable VC funds
3) How to network with these companies
4) What is the intro pitch to the network
5) How to help and build relationships with various startups to find the "right" culture to join
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The Hope of a Butterfly Future
As a suicide ideation survivor, over time and with the use of multiple resources, the Butterfly Method was created to take a person from feeling overwhelmed and despairing to hopeful in the time of a bathroom break. The Butterfly Method utilizes Stop Therapy, Deep Breathing, Mantra, Progressive Relaxation, Visualization, Imagery, Auditory, Tactile, and Action modalities. Its focus is to redirect a person before becoming so desperate that a 'Hot Line' is the only option keeping them from suicide.
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Director, Women's Thrombosis and HEmostasis, University of Pennsylvania (Penn Medicine)
Physician Fertility/Infertility
Infertility affects up to 1 in 4 female physicians and significantly impacts physical and mental wellbeing. However, fertility is not often discussed during medical training, leaving physicians unprepared for its devastating consequences. Additionally, healthcare leaders are often unaware of the prevalence of infertility amongst their trainees and employees. I will discuss physician infertility and measures that can be taken by individuals/systems to prevent and manage this common condition.
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Leading your Remote team that delivers results
"Research shows that remote teams perform poorly, especially when hastily assembled. Many leaders are figuring out the ropes for the very first time. Adapting & improvising with your team on a day-to-day basis becomes a big challenge. It is not only destructive to working relationships, it is also destructive to overall productivity. Come & learn where the breakthrough needs to happen for better results, high energy, and more engagement in your remote team!"
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Reducing Physician Burnout with Tech Innovations
The most effective ways to reduce burnout focus on reducing practice inefficiency and toxic work cultures. We'll discuss how tech innovations have an impact on the drivers of burnout, enabling you to better design and market your innovation, and improve the lives of burned out physicians across the world.
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Physician Advocacy
Many physicians find it difficult to get involved with policy and advocacy due to time restraints or disinterest. But, with the seismic changes we have seen within our industry over the past 10 years it is critical that physicians have a place at the discussion table to ensure our issues and concerns are addressed to our satisfaction for quality of life, patient care, and for retaining our autonomy. We should be teaching and encouraging widespread physician participation early in our careers.
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Principal, Fahy Consulting, LLC
Innovate? Not in a Threat State
Business School Mindset (BSM) is the ideology that emerges from graduate business education: a belief that organizations are best managed through hierarchy and control with finances as the preeminent outcome metric. This toxic philosophy has so pervaded society, including healthcare. When physicians relinquish leadership of medicine to those with a BSM, physician autonomy is compromised, even gutted. The resultant chronic threat state derails careers, harms patients, and hamstrings innovation.
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CEO, Co-founder, professor, Mesh AI
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Host: Uli K. Chettipally, MD, MPH
Saturday, January 8th, 2022, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM PT
Plenary Session VII (CME)
Host: Uli K. Chettipally, MD, MPH
Sunday, January 9th, 2022, 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM PT

The Future of Medicaid
The Medicaid landscape is changing and the opportunity for innovation is unlike ever before. New technologies are helping inefficient processes transform into promising patient and provider experiences and interactions. This talk will explore how digital health entrepreneurs can build around the needs of Medicaid to bring improved access and engagement among all system stakeholders.
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Senior Clinical Lead (Consumer Health) at Google
When Low-Tech Wins
In this talk the use of audio-only care, during and after the pandemic, will be reviewed, including its nuanced impact on health equity. United States coverage and payment of audio-only visits will be examined. Finally, the development and challenges facing audio biomarkers for disease screening and monitoring will be highlighted.
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Organizing the world’s clinical outcomes
Google organized the world’s information. Bloomberg organized the world’s financial information; but no one has organized the world’s clinical outcome information. HealthPals’ CLinical
INTelligence (CLINT) platform is doing this for the world, one disease at a time. CLINT contains a revolutionary engine that ingests a diverse array of messy, raw clinical data and transforms it into higher quality information that is actionable at the point of care and usable by any stakeholder in healthcare.
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Invisible Innovation that will Change Medical Technology in the next 10 years
Medical Products are developed and manufactured under a wide range of constraints and requirements. While regulation and reimbursement changes make the news headlines, there are many engineering and manufacturing constraints that also dictate what can be made and for how much. This talk covers 5 new innovations in platform technology, materials and processes that will represent opportunities for innovation across a wide variety of products.
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Medical Director Humana, Founder of Human Intelligence Leadership
COPE Leadership
How emotional intelligence can impact the leadership, culture and growth of an organization.
We explore EI domains as below
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Physician Innovation
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Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Plenary Session VIII (CME)
Host: Uli K. Chettipally, MD, MPH
Sunday, January 9th, 2022, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM PT

Redesigning the next decade for the Spine, Orthopedic and Musculoskeletal Care
This presentation will discuss challenges faced currently in the field of Orthopedics, Spine and Musculoskeletal medicine and offer solutions including customization, innovation, and consumerism that would drive the quality of care forward.
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Engaging Patients Remotely in a Post-Pandemic World
Telehealth services were widely introduced during the Covid-19 epidemic and are now standard for many HCPs and patients. These servcices are here to stay. Patients receive greater amounts of information through online exchanges like HCPs, insurance companies, heathcare delivery systems, etc. Therefore, it is imperative that patients have access to accurate, up-to-date and health-literate information to make informed decisions and optimize health outcomes. My talk will review one such program.
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The Great Primary Care Land Grab
Walgreens and CVS are aggressively adding clinics with partners.
Walmart and Amazon too. Three of the 5 biggest carriers announced nationwide virtual primary care within 24 hours of each other. Three primary care companies went public the past twelve months all serving employers like Apple,the States of NJ and Colorado and the entire nation of Rwanda. Billions in value. Lots of public filings to study winners and losers. Suddenly everyone wants PCPs and mid levels. Who wins and who loses here.
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Mobile Health Clinics: A Community-Responsive Delivery Model
Mobile health clinics are critical avenues for reaching under-resourced populations. There are over 2,000 mobile clinics serving 7 million individuals annually. Costs per patient are low compared to stationary clinics. Mobile healthcare clinics are a vital part of equitable national healthcare solutions, and it is time to recognize their broader potential, and include them in preparation efforts for current and future health crises.
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Precision Medicine: The Way Forward!
Recent advancements in the precision medicine field have presented a great promise to provide innovative solutions to pharmaceutical and healthcare industry to help transform medicine. By finding integrated solutions to analyze digital health as well as omics data presents a quick and more accurate method of diagnosing and treating diseases. This talk will focus on highlighting recent advancements in the field of precision medicine.
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Director, Meta / UC Berkeley School of Public Health
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Arup Roy-Burman, MD
CEO & Co-Founder, Elemeno Health

Healthcare Systems Transformation & Operations Consultant, Interim & Fractional Operations Leader

Director, Women's Thrombosis and HEmostasis, University of Pennsylvania (Penn Medicine)
Artificial Intelligence (CME)
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Daniel Kraft
Sandeep Reddy
Shakthi Kumar
Alan Young
Ean Bett
Digital Health (CME)
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Omar Shaker
James Mitchell
Cristin Dickerson
Ashley Sloat
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
Patient Centered Care (CME)
12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Behrooz Behbod
Arian Nachat
Paula Muto
Talya Miron-Shatz
Nicolas Morales
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
January 7th, 2021 Friday
Future of Medicine (CME)
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Vik Bakhru
Rajesh Dash
Bahar Sedarati
Kate Stephenson
New Models of Care (CME)
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Annu Navani
Michael Harbour
Ron Barshop
Harjot Singh
Sharon Attipoe-Dorcoo
January 9th, 2021 Sunday
January 9th, 2021 Sunday
Workforce Innovation (CME)
8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Yan Chow
Vallabh Janardhan
Paul Mathew
Brent Jackson
Hieu Bui
Physician Innovation (CME)
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Darshan Gandhi
Prasun Mishra
Neil Ray
Marshall Kuremsky
Orrin Aillloni-Charas
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
Physician Advocacy (CME)
12:30 PM - 2:30 PM
Al Gross
Patricia Kaine
Ariela Marshall
Harjot Singh
Paul DeChant
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
January 8th, 2021 Saturday

Therapha is a research and innovation-oriented healthcare technology company registered in New York. It is founded, funded and managed by a group of highly motivated enthusiastic spinecare experts who replicate their everyday success to bring sweeping changes across the globe through digital technology. Consistent with their work, persistent in their mission, tenacious in vision they brought forth TheraphaTM - ‘Practice the Future’. Our patented digital solution is a catalytic bridge between patients and their clinicians to standardize Spinecare and the musculoskeletal world.

Obsidio, Inc. is an early-stage medical device company focused on developing a minimally-invasive occlusive agent using a shear-thinning biomaterial (STB) technology for applications in vascular embolotherapy.

An overview of an AI based SaaS platform for personalized management of seizures using wearables for closed loop monitoring of vital parameters and other neurological biomarkers will be presented. The AI engine provides continuous insights leading to seizure detection and preemptive alert notifications. Insights provided to the neurologists help them personalize treatment plans by guiding drug titration, detecting tachyphylaxis and managing treatment aggressiveness for better health outcomes.

blinkpad is an AI-driven opportunity matching platform, serving the healthcare and hospitality industries. blinkpad helps employers reduce candidate screening times and time-to-hire by providing high-quality candidate matching. blinkpad maps candidates’ multimedia profiles against unique knowledge graphs of over 50,000 industry-specific specializations. In this way, we match employers with candidates who meet their certification, experience, and schedule requirements. All in the blink of an eye.

The Solution: Improve, fix, or redesign the systems using the New Agreements Transformational Model and 7 Tools, employing a bottom/up, fully participatory, systems-based, “pull” strategy. Solutions to persistent problems require a shift in paradigm or thinking. Employees working within a broken system often attempt to resolve the problems with a reactive, non-systems-based approach. This is akin to trying to solve problems with the same thinking used to create them, which Albert Einstein describes as impossible. This means our problem-solving model or paradigm must change radically, and that is exactly what the New Agreements Model and 7 Tools do for those who master it.

A digital assistant powered by Artificial Intelligence, embedded in a modern care delivery platform, designed to address mental health care delivery challenges at a global scale. HealMed automates patient intake evaluation through touch-free, voice-enabled interface and provides a carefully written summary to providers. The HealMed platform can automate workload up to 75-80%, thereby helping providers spend meaningful time with their clients and delivering great care to them.

UpLyft™ is the first seated self-transfer & 'zero-lifting' system between bed and wheelchair for individuals with limited mobility. Institutional healthcare facilities deal with burgeoning workers compensation claims from back and neck injuries to U.S. healthcare workers due to patient-lifting, which currently eclipse ~$20B annually. UpLyft solves this problem by replacing slings, body boards and other lift systems that require physical force from nurses and caregivers during patient transfers.

Bridge has fixed the delivery problem with buprenorphine that makes it a challenge in practice to use for pain and addiction. Current formulations dissolve in ~10 minutes through the buccal mucosa. We have licensed 3-second dissolve technology used in 15 major drugs (eg, Nurtec) which is also cheaper to produce. A range of doses will allow use of this drug for chronic pain and also for postoperative pain, which would mean patients would leave hospital with ZERO morphine milligram equivalents.

Elevate your standard of care & patient safety
Whether you are on the frontline, serving as a team lead or a hospital executive, the Elemeno approach gives everyone peace of mind that best practices are being followed in the moment. Elemeno is an all-in-one team training and communication platform that improves safety and retention at the unit level, in addition to elevating interprofessional collaboration. The result: a frontline team that feels supported, confident and competent.

HealthPals is pioneering Precision Prevention. Individuals and patients should be identified and treated effectively before costly, life-altering events happen. Our platform CLINT uses Medical Science and Machine Learning to automate and personalize treatment pathways at an individual and population level -- producing actionable, evidence-based insights about what should be done clinically, when, and why. We have run CLINT through over 1.4 billion patient life-years of medical record data and work with some of the largest and most respected health systems, medical societies, pharma companies, and technology partners. We are VC backed.

The Torque3 platform is a robotic assisted simulator where the patient works their entire body, all of their senses and cognitive abilities during treatment. This experience-dependent multimodal integration engages distributed functional brain regions including the sensory, association and motor cortexes.

Prescription Fulfillment Services & Solutions for Pharmacies & Healthcare Prescribers

The CME Requirements and ongoing credentialing process are inefficient and flawed. Requirements are due on an asynchronous timeline with complex regulations, which creates a heavy administrative burden on the healthcare systems, clinicians and administrators. The CME process can be streamlined and simplified into two steps. We will present a solution that can help administrators and clinicians to automate the process of managing state licenses, board certifications, to other expiring credentials

Intrommune Therapeutics is developing products to desensitize people living with food allergies using the oral mucosal immunotherapy (OMIT) platform. Our first product, INT301, delivers peanut proteins to the immune system in a fully-functional toothpaste, so the individual receives therapy while brushing their teeth. Intrommune expects that this platform will prove safe, effective and convenient. A Phase I study in peanut allergic individuals is currently ongoing.

Sirica Therapeutics
Sirica Therapeutics has combined Advanced Robotics and Virtual Reality to develop a therapeutic device for Autism. The robotic machine provides a challenging gross motor activity. And virtual reality provides deeply immersive experiences. The combination of which is being used to develop task-oriented therapy for autism that is fun for the patient. The therapy can be remotely monitored by a specialist. Data from several machines can be combined to build algorithms to improve patient outcomes.

Emergency Departments (EDs) must be ready to treat any patient at any time. They handle highly variable patient arrivals that are difficult for humans to anticipate. Even with good predictions many EDs struggle to match demand. We propose a machine learning system that forecasts the distribution of patient arrivals on an hourly basis at multiple horizons. Using the forecasts, it generates optimal staffing blocks with user-set constraints like target patients per hour or available staff hours.

There are NO approved FDA treatments for late stage COVID infection. Dexamethasone provides modest benefit in these cases. This means that if you are an unfortunate victim of the virus that gets sick enough to need oxygen there is a limit in what current standard of care can do for you. Our drug halts the final pathway of COVID that causes death. It presses the “off switch”. In addition to treating late-stage COVID, we have filed patents for use in treating multiple other diseases.

UpLyft™ is the first seated self-transfer & 'zero-lifting' system between bed and wheelchair for individuals with limited mobility. Institutional healthcare facilities deal with burgeoning workers compensation claims from back and neck injuries to U.S. healthcare workers due to patient-lifting, which currently eclipse ~$20B annually. UpLyft solves this problem by replacing slings, body boards and other lift systems that require physical force from nurses and caregivers during patient transfers.
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.

Therapha is a research and innovation-oriented healthcare technology company registered in New York. It is founded, funded and managed by a group of highly motivated enthusiastic spinecare experts who replicate their everyday success to bring sweeping changes across the globe through digital technology. Consistent with their work, persistent in their mission, tenacious in vision they brought forth TheraphaTM - ‘Practice the Future’. Our patented digital solution is a catalytic bridge between patients and their clinicians to standardize Spinecare and the musculoskeletal world.
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.

CEO, Obsidio, Inc.
Obsidio, Inc. is an early-stage medical device company focused on developing a minimally-invasive occlusive agent using a shear-thinning biomaterial (STB) technology for applications in vascular embolotherapy.
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.

A digital assistant powered by Artificial Intelligence, embedded in a modern care delivery platform, designed to address mental health care delivery challenges at a global scale. HealMed automates patient intake evaluation through touch-free, voice-enabled interface and provides a carefully written summary to providers. The HealMed platform can automate workload up to 75-80%, thereby helping providers spend meaningful time with their clients and delivering great care to them.
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.

Healthcare Systems Transformation & Operations Consultant, Interim & Fractional Operations Leader
The Solution: Improve, fix, or redesign the systems using the New Agreements Transformational Model and 7 Tools, employing a bottom/up, fully participatory, systems-based, “pull” strategy. Solutions to persistent problems require a shift in paradigm or thinking. Employees working within a broken system often attempt to resolve the problems with a reactive, non-systems-based approach. This is akin to trying to solve problems with the same thinking used to create them, which Albert Einstein describes as impossible. This means our problem-solving model or paradigm must change radically, and that is exactly what the New Agreements Model and 7 Tools do for those who master it.
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.

An overview of an AI based SaaS platform for personalized management of seizures using wearables for closed loop monitoring of vital parameters and other neurological biomarkers will be presented. The AI engine provides continuous insights leading to seizure detection and preemptive alert notifications. Insights provided to the neurologists help them personalize treatment plans by guiding drug titration, detecting tachyphylaxis and managing treatment aggressiveness for better health outcomes.
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.

Sirica Therapeutics
Sirica Therapeutics has combined Advanced Robotics and Virtual Reality to develop a therapeutic device for Autism. The robotic machine provides a challenging gross motor activity. And virtual reality provides deeply immersive experiences. The combination of which is being used to develop task-oriented therapy for autism that is fun for the patient. The therapy can be remotely monitored by a specialist. Data from several machines can be combined to build algorithms to improve patient outcomes.
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.

Bridge has fixed the delivery problem with buprenorphine that makes it a challenge in practice to use for pain and addiction. Current formulations dissolve in ~10 minutes through the buccal mucosa. We have licensed 3-second dissolve technology used in 15 major drugs (eg, Nurtec) which is also cheaper to produce. A range of doses will allow use of this drug for chronic pain and also for postoperative pain, which would mean patients would leave hospital with ZERO morphine milligram equivalents.
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.

Healthcare Innovator
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.

Jan-Felix Schneider
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.

Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.

StartUp Judge MIT, Stanford.
Global Impact Capitalist,Trillion Ventures Capital.
AI for Humanity, Exponential Mentor, Silicon Valley.
Avenir Light is a clean and stylish font favored by designers. It's easy on the eyes and a great go to font for titles, paragraphs & more.